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SYNCHRONICITY SCOUT: Preview "BOUND TO OCCUR ---A Little Treatise on the Adolescent Human Culture"

SYNCHRONICITY SCOUT: Preview "BOUND TO OCCUR ---A Little Treatise on the Adolescent Human Culture"

BOUND TO OCCUR ---A Little Treatise on the Adolescent Human Culture


A Little Treatise on the Adolescent Human Culture

 --aMan Bloom, April, 2012

While we witness in varying degrees of disbelief and despair the devolving on many fronts of both our planet and our world, this brief review and opinion contains no startling information to anyone also observing the flows of energy and of matter on this Earth.

I say both ‘ours’ with some irony attached, since it is the very us provoking the risks and providing the obstacles that combine to threaten most of life and much of system.  It is our world that is endangering our planet.

I will maintain that a certain destiny is being fulfilled by this, which gives me anyway some little grounds for hope, at least in the existential sense.  Not destiny, I quickly add, that is particular or ordained in any way, but is simply the orderly unfolding of an evolving process in a totally expected manner (were we in our present form to have been ‘then’ to predict it).
Given the current set of beliefs regarding the emergence of life on a rocky planet and that some descendant beings eventually developed a sort of awareness, and a resultant cleverness, including the ability to be creative, to become technological, and to understand at a rudimentary level the workings of matter and the stuff of life, a necessary set of steps must needed encountering.
While acquiring these skills and accomplishing those worthy tasks, differing notions of keeping civil order (peace) and establishing ethical morality (integrity) were also introduced by us to each other.
At first, likely it was simply natural, i.e., genetically sound, to be kind to one’s kin, to respect one’s neighbors and their property, and honor one’s spouse.  This is just the way it goes for communal animals that require each other’s efforts for their mutual and individual survival.  Animals such as these might recognize each other as generic brothers and sisters, and so abjure from killing and/or eating one another.  I will claim that even before any notions of deity entered the scene, acts such as those within a tribe would have been unholy, in that they operated against the sacredness of nature, against the very nature of the beast and of the being who is intent on procreating and surviving.
Later, as we continued on our quests and in our acts, it came upon us that there was more to daily life than simple survival.
Not that we wished or wanted to make living more complex than it already was, but we continually discovered unexpected or unintended features of being, and were intrigued by them.  Our minds grew and our horizons expanded.  The burden of being gained in breadth and in depth.  In the process, new circumstances arose in the universe that weren’t there before: beauty, honor, kindness, for example; also envy, pride, rancor.  Though rooted in nature, they are enhanced through mind into forms unknown to nature.  Not so much a blossoming; more a transmuting.
Jumping ahead some tens of thousands of years, horizons expanded more quickly for some than for others, and so, the disparities.  Some arose out of nature –stronger, smarter, prettier— and then were aggrandized; others came from a vile source, a contra-nature source, in terms of this paper, and those we deal with now.
I’ll maintain that these negating developments were bound to occur and in a very strict sense.  They are as attached to the emergence of a conscious and aware set of beings as adolescence is to the individual.  One cannot go from infancy to maturity avoiding the adolescent experience.  It is when mistakes are made at a depth and level of importance lesser than that if fully-fledged.  Yes, upon occasion fields are set afire or someone loses a limb, but on the whole the calamity is reduced in scope by the very nature of youth and its ability to harm.
Problem being, I’ve often asserted that this present example of intelligent life on our planet is in its adolescence, that is, “smart enough to be dangerous.”  Our species has been providing evidence for this claim for millennia. (When will we grow up?  It’s not that simple.)
On the bright side, or the less dark one, or the gray one, the harm we’ve caused so far, however horrible, has not damaged us, our neighbors or the planet to the point of utter devastation, until now.
The devastation claim has certainly been made before, though often with different reasons.  Those who harbor the god-fetish (the majority?) see us at the least being tested, at the most punished for our sins (though not necessarily the unholy ones mentioned here).  Also, they do not posit solutions that abide with nature or seek sustainability, and thus claim that this suffering is required (bound?) and that salvation is just a prayer and a heartbeat away…
Other possible causes for devastation are more natural in mode, including geophysical catastrophe, pandemic disease, resource shortage caused by drought or flood or pestilence.  Through sheer appetite of numbers and technological stress, we now compete with nature in scope of power.
Question: Can one nurture a species into maturation?  Teenagers just grow up naturally, most of them, many of them anyway… 
Years ago one of my tasks at a research center was to discuss town/gown relations with the Rotary’s education committee.  I realized that most of these men had decided what it was to be a man at age 16, and then hold to that general concept unto the grave.  Is this the problem with our species?
Another problem, perhaps connected to the former, is that the present world seems run by criminalistic federations –feudal aristocracies with little regard for the lives or works of others; committed only to their own internal rules, power lust and material prosperity.  They represent true aberrations to those holy means of nature.  They remain in control at the wheel of our destiny, of ours and of the world, and now, worst of all, of the planet.  Of the very fountain of life, of existence and of beauty.
We have been privileged this last year to witness or participate in general uprisings in opposition to this gangsterism, often resulting in the overthrow of despots by ordinary citizens bent on retrieving their freedom and their dignity, even at the possible cost of their individual lives.  Many did die in this pursuit, but perhaps fewer than were previously dying on orders of those they opposed.  To lesser extent (simply because of the human costs involved), the Occupy forces fought a similar battle.
I see this as a rush toward maturity on their part and of those who support them.  Not seeking judgment, retribution or authority; full-fledged, they seek authenticity.  Authenticity is what awareness is about.
The world in which we find ourselves is a maze of complicated moves and requirements; confounding enough to keep the masses at labor and/or in dread.  This condition is fomented and abetted by those same criminal and proto-criminal elements – financiers, professional politicians, arms and drug dealers, lobbyists, multi-nationals, mafias and other conspirators.  Bewildered, one is whirling in dervish circles, looking outside for both solace and reward, afraid, whittled into a splintered selfhood, inauthentic to ridiculous extreme.  Entertainment replaces acting in such a circus world.
The three rings, though, are around your neck…and they are heavy.
Sorry, I have no solution for you, for us.  Though aware and writing about it, I, too, am tossed within the current tsunami --though not wriggling and writhing about it, yet.
The barriers and obstacles seem insurmountable.  We are being accosted on multiple fronts; no place is safe; all governments are corrupt.  The planet and its living members and systems, the world and its laws and economics, everything in disarray.  Adolescence is upon us!
All this, I will remind you, is bound to occur.
Some intelligent beings on some planets, some other ones, do get past and survive intact; go on to an enlightenment of sorts, I suppose.
Hard to imagine, at this moment, the seven billion of us -- so intent on consuming and surviving, hungry, scared -- to imagine us suddenly (yes, since we are on the edge) lifting ourselves out of the muck and mire of morals and matter and re-finding ourselves, re-funding, re-founding…
Tibetan Buddhists claim, I’ve heard, that if any ten percent of humans reach enlightenment, all humanity becomes enlightened in a mind-frequency rippling effect.  Though the Tibetans aren’t in any great shape these days either…
I’m not quite so sure that enlightenment, or at least the one that religionists posit, is at all the better situation for the human psyche to be in, given the other options (beauty, joy and enjoyment, creativity, fun, accomplishment).  I say, let some other state, if there be one at all, await my presence.  Let’s innovate.
Fortunately, there are those, on our planet, in our world, who are persevering to take advantage of the present despair and confusion, by offering creative alternatives to the general courses that were followed by previous civilizations.
The philosophy and precepts of deep ecology[1] place humans back into the food chain, rather than at its (fictional) end, thus honoring all life equally.  Bio-diversity, bio-mimicry, sustainability, all seek to recognize nature at our helm.  Resource conservation and alternative energy respect the natural heritage.  Redefining morality by taking it back to the hearth and away from organized religions and governments (Is this one happening, or am I only wishing it so?).
If I look too deeply at what is happening in the so-called developed world, its fears and recriminations, its steadfast unwillingness to give way, the no-nothingness that also negates sensibility, the racism and fanatical nationalism, then any reason for optimism, even of a minimal, incremental sort, is quickly dashed.  On the other hand, the generations seem to be moving about more quickly, as if in a rush to fulfillment; perhaps the next one will be or become mature.  Not full-fledged – we cannot yet hope for that – but mature enough for honesty’s sake.
For the sake of honesty.

This ‘revolution’ in technology, is it a good thing; will it
help or hinder the maturation of our species?  Unquestionably, it connects disparate elements, but is a ‘quickening’ what we now need?  History doesn’t provide much optimism: most advances eventually lead to some sort of mass destruction, or at least contribute to one.

By the way, when the (allegedly) Communist Soviet Union failed, this didn’t mean that thus Democracy was proved the best or better system, or at least the form from which it had evolved in the United States, in notion of brilliant men who yet fostered free markets and granted suffrage only to their own kind (white, male, propertied), and also held slaves… 
We now see democracy touted as an ideal, to be exported to countries that have been governed otherwise. Perhaps it actually is a preferred alternative, were it to work as presented, but we now see that its inequities are increasingly subtle and soon become well-protected.  Thus manipulated, its export is a form of colonial and cultural imperialism.  It is all too easily subverted by corrupters who have gained control of the economy and the media, hence of the government and even the governed. They both make and break the laws.

1. The Deep Ecology Platform by  Arne Naess and George Sessions

The eight-point Deep Ecology Platform at present provides the unifying principles of the deep ecology movement.
1. The well-being and flourishing of human and nonhuman life on Earth have value in themselves (synonyms: inherent worth, intrinsic value, inherent value).  These values are independent of the usefulness of the nonhuman world for human purposes.
2. Richness and diversity of life-forms contribute to the realization of these values and are also values in themselves.
3. Humans have no right to reduce this richness and diversity (except to satisfy vital needs).
4. Present human interference with the nonhuman world is excessive, and the situation is rapidly worsening.
5. The flourishing of human life and cultures is compatible with a substantial decrease of the human population. The flourishing of nonhuman life requires such a decrease.
6. Policies must therefore be changed. The changes in policies affect basic economic, technological, and ideological structures. The resulting state of affairs will be deeply different from the present.
7. The ideological change is mainly that of appreciating life quality (dwelling in situations of inherent worth) rather than adhering to an increasingly higher standard of living. There will be a profound awareness of the difference between big and great.
8. Those who subscribe to the foregoing points have an obligation, directly or indirectly, to participate in the attempt to implement the necessary changes.
From: Clearcut: The Tragedy of Industrial Forestry, edited by Bill Devall (San Francisco: Sierra Club Books and Earth Island Press, 1993).




aMan Bloom, 2010

A. EVOLUTION & ENTROPY. The present Universe is neutral and entropic.

B. QUANTA. Phenomena can occur and seem to persist.

C. SYNCHRONICITY. An acausal event often aligning two or more participating actualities and deemed to be significant as reinterpretations of habitat.


E. APOLOGIA. From no-thing to something is bound to occur.

diatomaceous earth particle


1. Premise: The present Universe is essentially neutral (i.e., without specific intention).

a. Nothing happens in this version of nature that deliberately benefits or detracts from anything else

i. except when consciousness intervenes by ascribing meaning and relevance onto occurrence as cohesion

ii. except when consciousness intervenes by interfering with the natural flow

2. Premise: The nature of the present Universe is mostly entropic – it is disordering or coming out of order or is in an indirect avoidance of patterning

a. Though there is no detractive intent, this entropic condition may be interpreted by consciousness as negatively affecting the ‘forward flow of evolution’ as it has been defined…

i. but the flow of evolution necessarily requires constructive change (insofar as the refinement of structure actually leads to perseverance, i.e., the temporary overcoming of temporality)

ii. thus, in order for there to be or have been general entropy (chaos), there must also be or have been occasional negative entropy (order)

iii. certain laws of the physical universe require the interplay of both entropic phenomena versions, specifically electro-magnetism, the gravities, thermo-dynamics

b. It follows that the devolution/deterioration of order requires that there be some prior ordering, i.e., change requires an initial point of apparent stasis from which it is to occur.

i. change is constant; any order or ordering (routine, patterning, constancy) is temporary.

3. This is the condition in which environment, habitat, life and conscious life on planet Earth have evolved and continue to evolve.

4. There cannot be change (evolution) without there sometime being or having been a temporary steady state.

a. The entropic nature of matter (e.g., oxidation) requires that all steady states decline.

b. Since negative entropy is necessary, all declinations eventually go steady, i.e., reach a temporary neutral point of near-zero momentum, before some other action will take place or take over.

i. this is only apparent; everything is always falling apart.


5. It is proposed that within this environment, perhaps at a juncture point where, e.g., decline is matched by order, phenomena can occur:

a. That belie previous assertions of condition insofar as they

i. are acausal, yet contribute to ascension or decline

ii. are related to but not subsumed by consciousness

iii. are somehow conditional to negative entropy

b. While most everything is falling apart, certain conditions manifest which appear to make some things come together.

6. Problem: How can something be part of a conditionless universe as defined and yet manifest conditions apparently outside of its realms without being subsumed by consciousness?

7. Complete negative entropy eventually leads to ultimate density. Finished, unmoving, static; the end of all moments; culminating in a cataclysmic (Big Bang) event -- absolute momentary entropy [AME] -- instantly followed by the occurrence/reoccurrence of its negative

a. Space/Time ceases/stops, and (then) becomes/starts.


8. The epi-phenomena collectively termed (by C.G.Jung) as ‘Synchronicity’ are metaphors for Ordering in the grammar of this Universe. Insofar as these events are deemed ‘acausal’ (since they can be deduced from but not necessarily replicated or even explained through a re-aligning of elements), they are nevertheless often adjudged to be significant eventuating factors, especially regarding the ordering of subsequent major events that are ‘causal’ in nature.

a. Synchronistic events draw experimental meanders, some of which will lead to ‘positive’ evolutions’.

i. ‘positive’ insofar as they are temporary and successful to varying degrees, as reinterpretations of habitat (reproductive systems responding favorably to environmental conditions as they occur over time).

b. This is, in effect, the dance of space-time: improvised, experimental, determined (but not pre-determined).

i. their steps are ordinarily cautionary or precautionary, but sometimes occur dramatically

9. No synchronistic event is necessary until after it has chanced to occur

a. ‘Favorable success’ is conditional: a limited contingency that allows for or fosters survival for the most part, often accompanied by ancillary negativities of several intensities (e.g., peacock’s tail; sickle cells; upright walk; internal combustion), since all environments are transitional.

b. Survival is an on-going experiment, not a permanent display.

i. ‘fitness’ may often be a factor, though often neither sufficiently defined or necessarily determinant.

ii. flexibility is a built-in sublimation.

iii. all interpretation is subjective.

10. Synchronicity is the experiment and the results of the experiment and the testing of the experiment, but the experiment has no referential hypothesis.

a. Synchronicity is bound to occur as governing the nature of the present Universe, but not in any particular way.

b. As far as we can see, this Universe unfolds:

i. through the interaction of disparities

ii. through the intermingling of opposites

iii. through the cohesion of similarities

iv. in the direction(s) in which it was flung at the moment of its creation

11. Synchronicity is only conditionally rational, insofar as any significant event occurrence cannot be causally posited or technically replicated except in general retrospect.

a. Only if the laws of reason are made flexible (i.e., abridged) is the epiphenomenon enabled to fit within a rational frame, which will, by definition, be constantly fractured and broken over time.

b. In fact, synchronicity, in its stable form, gives birth to notions of rationality, abetting and creating the comprehending mind.

c. Of course, this premise does not apply to wholly physical events. The ‘events’ of science can be causally deduced and replicated, but they are not synchronistic (though can be initially abetted or inspired by synchronistic events)

12. This is not a linear monologue, but a spiraling dialogue: the Universe conversing with and within itself.

a. it is ‘mystical’ or cryptic only for those who require it to be seen as such in order for them to accept it

13. Synchronistic events are synergistic.

a. The information that they subsume is exponentially additive rather than merely cumulative.

b. This further differentiates synchronicity from other forms of creativity.

c. Evolution flows directly from synchronicity and each shares major characteristics.

14. Synchronicity cannot be explained using the scientific method.

a. The mechanism of synchronicity is an uncontrolled and innovative unfolding of events in time that intersect in a way meaningful to the flow of evolution, the ordering of motion, and the lifting of the mind/spirit.

b. The energetic flow of quanta, the electro-magnetic redistribution of elementary particles and the ‘random’ accumulation of non-material ‘objects’ (e.g., rays) are involved in providing the conditions in which synchronicity can occur and are themselves the base and the result of synchronicity.

i. other flows, accumulations and redistributions also likely play a part and are bases and results, but are presently unavailable to our general senses or the technological extensions of our senses

ii. though these may be present and available in scientifically unprovable forms through imagination and non-logical or so-called extra-sensory talents

c. Using present models, we cannot begin to predict the ways in which these actions are precursive to synchronicity or to provide any explanations for it.

15. At macro-levels, the flow of conversation that can be interpreted as synchronicity takes several forms:

a. So-called coincidences, happenstance or serendipity; preternatural occurrences.

b. Telepathy and lesser forms of thought-sharing; energy healing.

c. So-called miracles and other ‘unexplained’ epiphenomena recognized as occurring.

d. ‘Accidental’ discoveries; spontaneous innovations; revelations and epiphanies.

e. Indigenous wisdom, often aided through meditation, ceremonial ritual, psychotropic substances, fasting, dreaming.

16. At macro-levels, even though synchronicity cannot be accurately predicted, is acausal, and is not subject to scientific reduction, it can be depended upon to a limited extent:

a. It might occur as a natural outcome of desire, even when frivolous or inconsequential.

b. It may be ‘called upon’ to resolve problems through the application of expectation

i. the human mind is an ordering mechanism (or at least one of its possibly three brains is capable of encouraging order).

c. Synchronicity relies on the flow of energy, rather than the manipulation of matter, so that ordinary obstacles might present reduced interference and thus the event considered to be ‘out of the ordinary’ or even extraordinary.

d. It may operate regardless of the conscious intent or known wishes of those on whom it affects or of those who think they have some control over its ordering or arrangements.


17. At macro-levels, in this case the level of ordinary existence, the ways in which Synchronicity plays along in human life are manifold.

a. Initially, there would likely be no ‘human life’ on planet Earth if the environment had not been made ‘proper’ over time to allow and support carbon-based, oxygen-breathing creatures.

i. the environment had to evolve in all its states – gaseous, geo-physical, stratospherical – from its origins in order to foster and protect advanced life forms, and had to maintain certain parameters over consequential time in order for these forms to persevere, develop and expand.

ii. I cannot in this presentation allege or confer that these proper conditions to the benefit of conscious, reproductive life are attributable to the synchronicity phenomena, rather than to any other formidable, unexplainable set of causes, but do maintain it to be an acceptable rubric, if not a primary governing factor.

b. The rise and culmination of the rational endeavor and argument, and its success in the fields of science, mathematics and engineering have captured the imagination of the people of the planet, and now hold it hostage.

i. lack of methodological verifiability automatically excludes argument, proposal, theory and explanation from serious considerations, even when accompanied by testimony, longevity and apparent success (except in the case of religious belief systems)

ii. certain experiments designed to prove simple examples of synchronicity have been performed, showing mixed but conclusive results, but in the long run also serve to support credibility in the rational deductive methodology, outside of which is the realm of major forms of Synchronicity

iii. there are at present no apparent proofs

iv. one is forced to entertain a similar approach as exemplified by belief systems in general

18. Nevertheless, there are many verified narrative accounts of personal experiences that support Synchronicity as a potent notion, which make belief in its totality as relevant, auspicious and reasonable as any other belief system available today.

a. Especially considering the support of its basic premises through developments in quantum physics in the last hundred years.

b. In fact, the universal experience of events attributed to Synchronicity – being the significant intersection of disparate elements, which reason alone cannot justify – actually does support its major claim, i.e., that it necessarily operates outside the aegis of rationality and current science, while being concurrently supported by developments in astral and quantum physics (themselves often falling outside those boundaries as well, if only for the moment).

i. most developments in knowledge and awareness are first denied and denigrated by vested interests and the entrenched academy when contrary to current orthodoxy

ii. there is, of course, no ‘reason’ to suggest or insist that Synchronicity theory falls within this category, other than the fact of the status that it now holds


19. Not wanting to end weakly ;-):

a. I am not a quantum physicist, I am a wordsmith. Quantum physics gives me some of the language that I need to give structure to the unstructured.

b. The concept of ‘acausality’ is crucial because it is counter-intuitive, but conditionally.

c. Any universe of total chaos automatically leads to something happening.

1. from no-thing to something is bound to occur

2. something takes form

i. in doing so space/time is needed to contain it

20. Something and space/time are concurrent

a. They enter into being simultaneously.

b. Structureless energy when becoming structured matter (matrixed) creates place and motion.

21. There is no form in chaos.

a. Chaos could be defined as ‘in search of form’

i. form as the negative of no-form

ii. formlessness comes before form and leads into it through structuring

22. This cosmology encounters to a certain extent the Great Mystery, but leaves the Great Mysteries still intact.

a. It does not question (or answer) any belief system, nor does it establish or require one, seeking instead to enhance or expand awareness, to quest and locate contradiction, to appreciate and allow for wonder.




aMan Bloom, Sept 2009

Being part of a conversation between a bright young male apologist for a major corporation and a bright young woman news journalist, both viewing and interviewing each other as possible romantic partners. We enter at a point after the usual introductions and cultural practices, when they’re testing each other’s intellect and moral capacities:

“…yeah, so, what we do is follow all the statistics in relation to public sentiment. Right now, as you’re well aware, being green is popular, so we’re working hard to temper our footprint…”

“You mean, your carbon footprint…?”

“Yeah, that, of course. It’s legislated. But bigger than that…”


“Like a mathematical formula. Overall profit and public acceptability factored against collateral deaths, for example…”
“Such as animals, plants…”

“And people, too. Can’t get away from that. All major corporations have to factor in these eventualities.”

“But you certainly do everything possible to limit…”

“Well, that’s in the best of all possible worlds, isn’t it.”

“So, you’re saying that you allow these…eventualities to occur, even though…”

“Okay, listen. We’re talking off the record here, right? Like friends, right?”

“Well, of course. This is just a…social exchange we’re having here. Relaxing.”

“Cool. Thanks. Sorry if I suddenly seemed paranoid. It’s just…”

“Not at all. I’m just fascinated…”

“Some of your kind can be so ruthless…”

“Only thing ruthless about me is my name...”

“Can I buy you another drink?”

“Tell me more. I mean, what would people think if they knew about this?”

“I think people actually do know about this. They simply accept it as well. Just like flying, or driving on the highway…”

“But why let it happen if you can do something about it?”

“Well, it’s a consequence of risk-management thinking. Balancing costs of improvement over legal suits for wrongful death… That sort of thing.”

“That sounds medieval… In a way…”

“Suppose so. But, see, we’ve got our stockholders. Our loyalty to them, to their investments.. They’re very demanding.”

“I thought you were in business to make a profit by providing goods and services to your customers. Your stockholders get served if you deliver…”

“Hmmm, that’s kind of old-school…”


“But, couldn’t it happen that some of your stockholders get victimized? Less of a chance for the very wealthy, perhaps, but there’re a lot of small-time investors…”

“Sure. We’ve even got a Stockholder Loss Quotient for that. Got to keep that low…”

“And for the general public…”

“That’s called ‘Ancillary Death Ratio,’ which is pro-rated over time. I don’t really get into these mathematical dodges, however.”

“Your job is more…?”

“Cover up, I guess you’d call it.”

“I think I will have that drink now.”

“It’s your funeral, ha-ha…”

“So, it seems you try to protect your stockholders more than the general public?”

“Oh, no way. Don’t get me wrong. Otherwise we could get accused of selective collateralism. Very bad for the industry, obviously.”


“Well, that’d be more like, well, murder, I guess…”

“Well, almost…(?)”


“Say, we’ve had such a good talk, maybe we could go out on a date sometime…”

“With me, after this, never.”